
I'm Dr Raj Ahlowalia.

I'm a general dentist in rural Bedfordshire with an interest in complex cases and treatment of patients with atypical symptoms.

Once upon a time I used to do this on the telly and have taught a lot in the US for various institutions.

Nowadays I tend not to advertise my courses preferring to teach either individuals or small study groups of up to four participants maximum who contact me via word of mouth.

If you've somehow found your way here you're probably interested in learning about occlusion, treatment of complex dental cases, TMJ/D, bruxism or functional dentistry of some kind.

The easiest way to start the process then if you're interested in learning this most enigmatic of dental topics is to converse with Robo-me, the chatbot to the lower right, who will gather some info, answer my FAQs for you and show you where to find me on Facebook before connecting us so we can start a dialogue.